Many Muslims ask which Quran Surahs they should recite in order to grow and protect their rizq and wealth, or escape from all kinds of financial troubles. There are many things that people can do to increase their rizq and wealth. Read our article on ways to increase and protect your wealth. One of the most important things is to recite certain surahs from the Quran regularly. The following are some of the best surahs for rizq and wealth.

Surah Sharh
The surah comes to console the Prophet (SAW) who before this was in a state of unease and discomfort. This satisfies him to such an extent that he is now happy and content with what Allah has given him.
Why is Surah Sharh so effective for rizq & wealth?
The period of hardship that he (the Prophet (SAW) is going through now will be over quickly and soon will follow ease. This is a reminder to all the believers no matter what type of hardship they are going through, including financial difficulties.
Translation of Surah Alam Nashrah
- Have We not opened your breast for you (O Muhammad SAW)?
- And removed from you your burden,
- Which weighed down your back?
- And raised high your fame?
- So verily, with the hardship, there is relief,
- Verily, with the hardship, there is relief (i.e. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs).
- So when you have finished (from your occupation), then stand up for Allah’s worship (i.e. stand up for prayer).
- And to your Lord (Alone) turn (all your intentions and hopes and) your invocations.
Surah Alam Nashrah – Blessings and Translation
Surah Waqiah
According to a hadith, surah Waqiah can be read every night to ward off poverty. It is also called the chapter of wealth and helps bring abundance and prosperity into your life. Many people recite the surah after Magrib salaah.
Why Surah Waqiah can be effective for wealth & money
Surah Waqiah, also known as the “Surah of Wealth,” brings prosperity and abundance while also protecting you from poverty. Make sure to take a few minutes out of your time, especially after magrib, to recite this short surah, as per the hadith of Ibn Masood (RA).
Abdullah Ibn Masood (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “Whoever recites Surah al-Waqiah every night, he will never be afflicted by poverty. And Ibn Masood (RA) used to order his daughters to read it every night.” (Shu’ab al-Iman).
“Sūrah Wāqiah is the surah of wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children.” (Ibn ‘Asākir).
Reading it every night will keep us away from poverty.
Surah Waqiah: Full in Arabic, Theme and Benefits
Benefits of reading Surah Waqiah
- Increases your success and wealth
- Protects you from financial problems
- Reminds you that Allah controls everything
- Saves you from poverty
- Brings barakah into your life
- Motivates you to strive harder for a better afterlife
Surah Nooh
Why is Surah Nooh so effective for rizq & wealth?
Allah addresses the fundamental concerns that prevent a person from enjoying the Lord’s blessings of prosperity and rizq. The following are the main ayahs regarding wealth and rizq mentioned by Allah in this Surah:
10:‘Saying, Ask forgiveness from your Lord; for He is Oft-Forgiving;
11:‘He will send rain to you in abundance;
12: ‘Give you increase in wealth and sons; and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers (of flowing water).’
Other Surahs for Wealth and Rizq
1. Surah al-Baqarah: This is one of the longest surahs in the Quran and it is also one of the most important. It is said that whoever recites this surah will have their rizq increased.
2. Surah al-Mulk: This surah is also known as the “Surah of Wealth”. It is said that whoever recites this surah will have their wealth increased.
3. Surah al-Kafirun: This surah is known as the “Surah of the Unbelievers”. It is said that whoever recites this surah will have the curse of the unbelievers removed from them.
5. Surah al-Falaq: This surah is known as the “Surah of Protection”. It is said that whoever recites this surah will be protected from all evil.
6. Surah al-Nas: This surah is known as the “Surah of Mankind”. It is said that whoever recites this surah will have their rizq increased. These are some of the best surahs for rizq and wealth. Reciting these surahs regularly can help increase one’s rizq and wealth.