You should start preparing for Ramadan many weeks in advance and here is a preparation checklist of what you should aim to achieve when it comes:

Preparing for Ramadan Checklist
Ramadan preparation checklist that you can use to help you prepare for the holy month:
- Renew your intentions: Begin by reminding yourself of the true purpose of Ramadan, which is to seek Allah’s pleasure and draw closer to Him. Renew your intentions and make a plan to achieve your spiritual goals.
- Plan your meals: Plan your meals for suhoor and iftar in advance, so that you can avoid last-minute scrambling. Make a shopping list of the items you need and purchase them well in advance.
- Clean your house: Make sure your house is clean and tidy, as this can have a positive impact on your mental and spiritual well-being during the month.
- Organize your schedule: Plan your schedule and prioritize your time during Ramadan. Allocate time for prayer, Quran reading, and other spiritual activities.
- Prepare mentally and physically: Start adjusting your sleep schedule a week or two before Ramadan, so that you can wake up for suhoor and perform your prayers with ease. Also, prepare yourself mentally by reading books and listening to lectures on Ramadan.
- Pay your zakat and give charity: If you have not already paid your zakat, make sure to do so before Ramadan begins. Additionally, consider giving charity throughout the month to those in need.
- Increase your acts of worship: In the weeks leading up to Ramadan, try to increase your acts of worship, such as reciting the Quran, performing extra prayers, and giving charity.
- Seek forgiveness: Take time to seek forgiveness from Allah for any sins you may have committed. Repent sincerely and make a commitment to avoid those sins in the future.
- Invite family and friends: Invite your family and friends over for iftar and share the blessings of Ramadan with them.
- Finally, make dua: Ask Allah to grant you a blessed and productive Ramadan, and to make it easy for you to fulfill your spiritual goals.
- Start a countdown timer and practice what you will do in Ramadan
- Make up the previously missed fasts before Ramadan starts
- Complete as many tasks as you can before Ramadan
- Keep in contact with other family members
- Make a private prayer area in your home
- Learn something new about the Quran
- Think how you will spend money on those less fortunate that you
- Practice patience beforehand
- Start reducing screen time (social media etc) from now
- Save money now to spend in Ramadan
Prepare for Ramadan by fasting before
Start a countdown timer to Ramadan and really bring it in to our homes. The Prophet (SAW) used to prepare for Ramadan by fasting most days of Sha’ban the month before, and especially Mondays and Thursdays. This will help us feel what a day in Ramadan will be like and get us physically and mentally ready.
Check out our Ramadan prep board on Pinterest for more information.
Take little naps to get energy for worship
In Ramadan, we usually get less sleep with the various routines of the month. But with the Coronavirus lockdown and most people either working from home or not working at all, the time you would normally spend getting ready and travelling to work could be used to catch up on sleep leaving you more time and energy for worship the rest of the day.
Keep in contact with family, it is a form of worship
Fasting may be an individual act of worship but Ramadan has always been about keeping in touch with family. Make sure to call or message family and friends to see how they are and if you can help with anything. This is worship too.
Make a Prayer area at home
Make a particular area in your home a masjid or prayer area, if you have space. Some place that is accessible to all yet provides an amount of privacy. Keep a prayer mat in place so family members know you’re in prayer at that time and to give you peace and quiet.
Call the Adhaan at home.
Designate someone to call the adhaan at each prayer time and to lead Salat. Make congregational prayers with all family members taking part, rather than praying the compulsory salah individually.
Learn something new about the Quran
Try to make it a month long project so it’s lengthy and comprehensive. Something like:
- Learning by heart certain Surahs which you’ve never attempted before, like the Musabbihat (the 7 surahs which start with Sabbaha or Yusabbiho.
- Learn the meaning and context of as many Surahs of the last Juz (part 30) as you can.
- Or learn about the Quranic stories of Musa, Yusuf, Yunus and Isa (AS) and their duas.
- If Arabic is not a spoken language of yours, then make sure to read the translation of the Quran to correspond with what you have read in Arabic, try to complete the reading of the full Quran translation in the month.
Make excessive dua at this time. Pray for the wellbeing of the Ummah and all humanity at this stressful time. Make dua that the masjids around the world are opened up again and we can once again pray in them to satisfy our hearts.

Think of those less fortunate than you
There so many people who have lost their jobs or livelihoods from the current situation and will struggle to pay some of their bills. There are others that are in an even worse situation where they can’t even feed themselves or their families today. Think of them and try to be even more charitable than we usually are at Ramadan.
Use the money saved from having to travel to work or spending on luxuries and entertainment that we usually do and give more to charities at home and abroad. These times are difficult for us, but for them are terrifying.
This is truly the month of patience
In times like these, some people will inevitably lose their wealth, income and some even their lives. It is helpful to remember the Prophet (SAW) advised that property lost during tribulations will be considered charity, and those who die as a result of pandemics will be considered martyrs. The Prophet’s dua is even more apt at this time so close to the holy month:

Make sure helping others in on your Ramadan checklist
A core principle of Islam is helping our fellow human beings. During the coronavirus outbreak, there are many ways we can practice this, whether by donating to food banks, supporting local businesses or checking up on our neighbours.
May Allah protect us and guide us. Ameen