Al-Hadith “Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.” Sunan ibn Majah
We are often given a task to do or accomplish and it makes us worry about how we will be able to fulfil the task, whether at home, school, workplace or anywhere else. The burden of exams is also on our shoulders and we wonder how this is going to play out. Allah teaches us how to calm ourselves down, make dua, become relaxed and be content while you are fulfilling the task.
As Muslims, we have several remedies available to help reduce our stress including reciting or listening to the Holy Quran, performing both obligatory and optional salaah and making lots of dua. You use the means available to you, including your books, your pen, computer, your studying and memorization but you put your trust in Allah.

In many places of the Quran, Allah shows us how to ask for His Help.
Dua for Exams
In Surah TaHa 25:28, Allah mentions the huge burden that He placed on Musa (AS) asking him to go and preach to Pharaoh. This is the dua Musa (AS) recited to ask for strength and eloquence in this task.

Pray this ayah when asking for Allah’s support

Surah 8:62
Dua for Increase in knowledge

Dua for studying

Dua for studying something difficult

Things to do before studying for an exam
The following are necessary when asking for Allah’s help:
- Stop sinning
- Call Allah by His Glorious Names of Al-Fatah and Al Maalik ul Mulk
- Pray salaah ul Hajaat, the optional prayer asking for help
- Send abundant salutations upon the Prophet (SAW)
Dua to remove anxiety

Dua for beneficial knowledge

You make these duas so Allah helps you and then you become calm and relaxed, safe in the knowledge that Allah will take care of things.