Surah Taubah is also known as Al-Bara’ah which is the first word of the surah. It is famous for being the only surah in the Holy Quran which doesn’t have the tasmiyah Bismillah to start with.

The last ayat (128 & 129) of Surah Taubah is a powerful and significant ayat. It is a declaration of Allah’s forgiveness and mercy towards the Muslims, and a reminder of His grace and bounty. He has sent a messenger who is gentle and compassionate and always seeking the best for his nation, and ultimately, put your full trust in Allah. Ubayy bin Ka’b (RA) said, ‘The last ayah revealed from the Quran was this ayah.
This ayat was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) after the Muslims had repented from their previous sins and determined to turn to Allah with sincere hearts.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) recited this ayat to the Muslims, and they were filled with hope and happiness.
Surah Taubah benefits
This ayat is a great source of hope and comfort for Muslims, as it reminds us that Allah is always ready to forgive us if we turn to Him in repentance.
It also shows us that even if we make mistakes, Allah is always there to guide us and help us get back on the right path. This ayat is a powerful reminder that we should never give up on ourselves or our religion, no matter how difficult things may seem
Last 2 ayats in Arabic Text

‘Surely, there has come to you a Messenger from amongst you, hard on whom is your suffering, for the good of you he craves and for believers he is kind, merciful.’
‘So, if they turn away, say, “Enough for me is Allah. There is no god but He. In Him I have placed my trust, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne.’