Which Surahs should be read on Friday?
The following Surahs should be recited on a Friday:
- Surah Zilzaal
- Surah Al-Alaa
- Surah Dukhan
- Surah Baqarah
- Surah Ale Imran
- Surah Sajdah
- Surah Kahf
The Prophet (SAW) stated: Jummah (Friday) is the most excellent and distinguished day among the days of the week in the sight of Allah; so much so that it even excels both Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha…’ (Ibn Majah)
‘The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it Adam (AS) was created, on it he was made to enter Jannah (paradise), on it he was expelled therefrom. ‘(Sahih Muslim)
There are a number of Surahs (chapters) from the Quran specifically related to the day of Friday, which in Islam starts from straight after sunset the night before i.e. Thursday and lasts up to the sunset of Friday evening.
Here we will list as many as we can with a selection of relevant Ahadith (sayings of the Prophet SAW):
Surah Zilzaal (Chapter No. 99)
Ibn Abbas (RA) reports that Rasulullah (Prophet SAW) said: ‘ The one who performs 2 rakaats (units of voluntary prayer) on the eve of Jummah after the Maghrib salaah, and in each rakaat he reads Surah Faatiha (No.1) once and surah Zilzaal 15 times, Allah will make easy for him the pangs of death; and Allah will protect him from the punishment of the grave; and Allah will render easy for him the crossing of the Siraat (bridge across Hell) on the Day of Judgement.’ (found in books of Asbahaani, Suyuti and Kanzul-ummah).
Surah Al-A’laa (No. 87)
On the eve of Jummah, read any surah from the Musabbihat, the shortest being al-a’laa. The Musabbihat are Surahs which begin with the words ‘Sabbaha’ and are Chapters 17, 57, 59, 61, 62, 64 and this chapter 87. It was the practice of the prophet to recite these before going to sleep.
It was also the Sunnah (practice of the Prophet SAW) to recite Surah al-a’laa in the following prayers:
- 1st rakaah of Witr of Isha
- 2nd rakaah of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha prayers
- 2nd rakaah of Jummah prayer.
Surah Dukhan (No. 44)
The Prophet (SAW) said: ‘Whoever recites Surah Dukhan on the night of Jummah, 70 thousand Angels ask for forgiveness of that person until the morning.’
He (SAW) also said: ‘The one who reads Surah Dukhan on the night of Jummah or the day of Jummah, Allah will build for him a home in Jannah.’ (Tabarani, Asbahaani).
Surah Baqarah and Surah Ale Imraan (No. 2 & 3)
On Thursday night read Surah Baqarah and Surah Ale Imraan. These two Surahs are known as Zah’raa’wain. The Prophet (SAW) said: ‘The person who reads these on the eve of Jummah, for him there will be a reward equal to that which is between the seventh earth and the seventh sky.’ (Targheeb, Asbahaani)
Surah Sajdah (No. 32)
It was a practice of the Prophet (SAW) to sometimes recite this Surah in the first rakaah of the obligatory Fajr salaah on Friday.
Abu Hurairah (RA) says that Rasullulah (SAW) said: ‘When a person prostrates (makes Sajda) on reading Surah Sajda (ie the relevant ayah number 15 which calls for prostration), Shaytaan wails in a corner and expresses sorrow, saying that this man has been ordered to make Sajda and he has done it, whereupon Jannah has been assured for him but he (shaytaan) himself has refused it and has been doomed to Jahannam (Hell).’ (Muslim)

Surah Kahf (No. 18)
Abu Saeed Khudri (RA) reports that the Prophet (SAW) said: ‘The person who reads Surah Kahf on the Day of Jummah, Allah will create a Noor (spiritual light) for him (which will remain with him) between the 2 Jummahs.’ i.e. between one Friday and the next.
There is a similar hadith from the same respected sahabi (companion of the Prophet) regarding the night of Jummah too.
Abu Darda (RA) reported the Prophet (SAW) as saying: ‘If anyone learns by heart the first 10 verses of Surah Kahf, he will be protected from the Dajjal. (Muslim)
In another narration, the Prophet said, ‘From the last ten verses of Surah Kahf.’
‘O you who have believed, when (the adhan) is called for the prayer on the day of Jumah (Friday), then proceed to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you, if you only knew.’
Quran [62:9]
The Etiquettes of Jummah prayer.
The status of this day is such that many Sunnah practices of the Prophet (SAW) and etiquettes are associated with it:
- To have a ghusl (bath)
- To use the miswaak (traditional toothpick)
- To wear clean clothes, preferably white
- To apply itr (perfume)
- To proceed early to the Masjid
- To walk to the Masjid rather than use a vehicle
- To sit near the imam
- Not to walk over the shoulders of people to get to the front (causing annoyance to others)
- To listen to the khutbah (Friday sermon) attentively
- To recite Durood abundantly (salutations on the Prophet)
- To make excessive dua, especially between Asr and Magrib salaah
The Friday prayer must be read in congregation and this is in 2 rakaah (units) replacing the 4 usually read in congregation at this time on other days of the week. The khutbah precedes the actual prayer and the qiraah (recitation of the Quran) is also read out loud by the imam whereas on other days at this time it is read quietly.
Reward of walking to Jummah prayer
It was narrated from Aws ibn Aws al-Thaqafi (RA) that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “Whoever does ghusl on Friday and causes (his wife) to do ghusl, and sets out early, and comes close to the imam and listens and keeps quiet, for every step he takes (towards the masjid) he will have the reward of fasting and praying qiyaam for one year.” (Tirmidhi)
‘Causes his wife to do ghusl’ here means by having intercourse
‘Qiyaam’ means the voluntary prayer performed at night
Warning for missing the Jummah prayer
The Prophet (SAW) said: He who omits the Jummah salaah (consecutively) for three Fridays, due to negligence, Allah will seal his heart. (Tirmidhi)
This means his heart will be deprived of all goodness and blessings.