Surah Al-Layl, meaning darkness or the night is the 92nd chapter of the Holy Quran. It has 21 verses and comes in the 30th juz. Surah Layl is the early Makkan 6th chapter in order of revelation and is closely related to Surah Shams, which comes immediately before it. Both explain the different paths of life, along with their endings and repercussions.

Meaning of Surah Al-Layl
The surah talks about the diverse efforts of people, with some endeavoring for good deeds while others persist in bad. But both these types of people should know that guidance comes from Allah. He is in complete ownership of both of them and knows what each is doing.
Allah is in control of not only what is to come in the hereafter, but is also in complete control of what is happening here and now on earth. The surah ends with a warning for people to work to save themselves from the dangers of Hell. Those who save themselves by giving from their wealth and not asking for reward except from Allah.
- By the Night as it conceals;
- By the Day as it appears in glory;
- By the creation of male and female;
- Verily, ye strive for are diverse.
- So he who gives (in charity) and fears (Allah),
- And testifies to the best,
- We will indeed make smooth for him the path to Bliss.
- But he who is a greedy miser and thinks himself self-sufficient,
- And gives the lie to the best,
- We will indeed make smooth for him the path to Misery;
- Nor will his wealth profit him when he falls headlong (into the Pit).
- Verily We take upon Ourselves to guide,
- And verily unto Us (belong) the End and the Beginning.
- Therefore do I warn you of a Fire blazing fiercely;
- None shall reach it but those most unfortunate ones
- Who give the lie to Truth and turn their backs.
- But those most devoted to Allah shall be removed far from it,-
- Those who spend their wealth for increase in self-purification,
- And have in their minds no favour from anyone for which a reward is expected in return,
- But only the desire to seek for the Countenance of their Lord Most High;
- And soon will they attain (complete) satisfaction.
Transliteration of Surah Al-Layl
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
- Wallaili izaa yaghshaa
- Wannahaari izaa tajalla
- Wa maa khalaqaz zakara wal unthaa
- Inna sa’yakum lashattaa
- Fa ammaa man a’taa wattaqaa
- Wa saddaqa bil husnaa
- Fasanu yassiruhoo lilyusraa
- Wa ammaa man bakhila wastaghnaa
- Wa kazzaba bil husnaa
- Fasanu yassiruhoo lil’usraa
- Wa maa yughnee ‘anhu maaluhooo izaa taraddaa
- Inna ‘alainaa lal hudaa
- Wa inna lanaa lal Aakhirata wal oolaa
- Fa anzartukum naaran talazzaa
- Laa yaslaahaaa illal ashqaa
- Allazee kazzaba wa tawallaa
- Wa sa yujannnabuhal atqaa
- Allazee yu’tee maalahoo yatazakkaa
- Wa maa li ahadin ‘indahoo min ni’matin tujzaaa
- Illab tighaaa’a wajhi rabbihil a ‘laa
- Wa lasawfa yardaa
Surah Layl Hadith
Jabir ibn Samurah reported: That the Prophet (SAW) would recite in the noon prayer, “By the night as it envelopes,” (92:1) and similar chapters to those in the afternoon prayer, and in the morning prayer he would recite longer than those. (Muslim)
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