Surah Al-Ala is the 87th chapter of the Holy Quran. It is an early Meccan surah, made up of 19 verses found in the 30th juz of the Holy Quran. The title of the surah is derived from the first word of the opening verse, which literally means “The Most High”. It is an often recited surah, especially in some of the major obligatory salah with large congregations.

Surah al Ala addresses the Day of Judgment and the Oneness of Allah. These were the main issues with the Meccans at the time – they had no concern for any afterlife and they worshipped many idols.
Surah Al-Ala’s main theme is the concept of Tawhid, which is Allah’s oneness and absolute power, and a reminder of the Day of Judgement.
This surah is extremely significant. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is said to have recited this surah daily.
Importance of surah al-A’la
It has so many important points to consider in it, that it became the surah that you would pray when you have a large congregation of Muslims. Its main themes are poignant to every Muslim – Tawhid, the Oneness of Allah, and understanding of our place before Him.
It also reminds us of our mortality and the deeds that are recommended to achieve success in this life and the hereafter.
Al-Ala here does not simply mean that Allah is physically situated higher, as He is not confined to a place, but that nothing ascends higher than Him. All His names are qualities being without limits, no beginning or end. Nobody gave them to Him and nobody can take them away.
When is surah al ala recited?
This surah is recited very often, especially in certain prayers. In the Friday Jummah salaah and on the days of Eid, the Prophet (SAW) would recite it. Also in the prayer for rain salaatul Istiskah, and for witr prayers after Isha. So, the Prophet (SAW) used to recite it in prayers that were loud and attended by many people.
Being one of the Musabbihat – 7 surahs that begin with the same root letters Seen, Baa and Haa. They all start with the glorification of Allah’s names. The musabbihat surahs are:
- Al-Hadid (57)
- Al-Hashr (59)
- As-Saff (61)
- Al Jumuah (62)
- At-Tagahabun (64)
- Al-Isra (17)
- Al-Ala (87)
Al-Num’an ibn Bashir (RA) reported: The Messenger of Allah (SAW), would recite in the two Eid prayers and in the Friday prayer the chapters, “Glorify the name of your Lord the Most High,” (87:1) and, “Has there come to you the report of the overwhelming?” (88:1). If the Eid and Friday prayers occurred on the same day, he would recite them in both prayers.
Arabic Text

Surah Ala Translation
- Glorify the name of thy Guardian-Lord Most High,
- Who has created, and further, given order and proportion;
- Who has ordained laws. And granted guidance;
- And Who brings out the (green and luscious) pasture,
- And then does make it (but) swarthy stubble.
- By degrees shall We teach you to declare (the Message), so you shall not forget,
- Except as Allah wills: For He knows what is manifest and what is hidden.
- And We will make it easy for you(to follow) the simple (Path).
- Therefore give admonition in case the admonition profits (the hearer).
- The admonition will be received by those who fear (Allah):
- But it will be avoided by those most unfortunate ones,
- Who will enter the Great Fire,
- In which they will then neither die nor live.
- But those will prosper who purify themselves,
- And glorify the name of their Guardian-Lord, and (lift their hearts) in prayer.
- Day (behold), you prefer the life of this world;
- But the Hereafter is better and more enduring.
- And this is in the Books of the earliest (Revelation),-
- The Books of Abraham and Moses.