Bismillah, or its longer version bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim, also known as the basmallah or the tasmiyah, is the Arabic and Islamic phrase meaning ‘With the name of Allah. It is used before starting any activity, whether simple or significant. When you say bismillah you’re essentially saying I begin this with the name of God.
It is made up of three words in Arabic: Bi, Ism and Allah.

How Bismillah is made
Word in English | Arabic word | Meaning |
Bi | ب | In, or with |
Ism | اسم | The name of |
Allah | الله | Allah |
Bismillah can be used anytime you begin something like starting to eat or driving to work, or putting clothes on etc. It is especially used when you’re about to start doing something really important like taking a final exam, a job interview, starting a working day or simply waking up in the morning asking Allah to bless your day.
It is not said when starting something you know to be against Allah’s wishes and sinful. If you get into the habit of saying bismillah all the time it might actually help you to avoid certain bad behaviors and think twice before you act.
Bismillah Ar-rahman Ar-rahim
‘With the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the especially Merciful’, is the very first line of the Quran and begins almost every one of its chapters (surahs).
Benefits of Bismillah
- Helps focus your attention towards Allah.
- Asking Allah’s for His help in your work.
- You remember His power and ability. You recognise there is no success without His permission and approval.
- You gain barakah (blessings) in your work. Whether it be in time or money.
- Encourages you to strive for the best in your ability.
- Keeps Shaitan (the devil) away.
- Discourages you from sinful activities.
Where do we learn bismillah from?
To say bismillah is learnt from the Prophet (SAW) and Jibril (AS) – the angel who delivered the Quran from Allah. The very first communication between them was the revelation of the Quran’s first verses in surah Alaq: ‘Read, with the name of your Lord… (surah Alaq 96:1)
The words also appear in surah Naml (27:30).
What is the importance of saying bismillah?
The first lesson or instruction that was given to the Prophet (SAW), as part of his divine nurturing, was to recite the bismillah. It was part of his character development.
Every surah in the Quran, except one starts with bismillah, which highlights its importance. We also find that this was the foundation of the Prophet’s (SAW) life, he would say bismillah with everything that he would do and any letter he wrote he would start off with bismillah rahman rahim.
We say bismillah at the beginning of a task, not at the end. Before we even embark upon something regardless of how small that task may be or how great we think it is. It reminds us that before everything is Allah, the Originator. When there was nothing else, there was Allah.
The first dua that a Muslim child hears when they enter this world is bismillah, and the dua recited when the deceased is being buried starts with bismillah. From the time you are born to the time you die and are buried.
Bismillah Calligraphy