Surah Quraish is the 106th surah in the Quran following immediately after Surah Fil which is related to it in many ways. The surah was revealed in Makkah and has 4 verses in it. It is named after the main tribe of Makkah at the time of revelation – the Quraish and is the only surah in the Quran named after a tribe of the Arabs.

Surah Quraish follows on from Surah Fil which talks about the time just before the Prophet’s (SAW) birth and how Allah destroyed the army of Abraha that came from Yemen intent on demolishing the holy Kaaba in Makkah.
Surah | |
Name | Quraish |
Meaning | tribe of Quraish |
Number of Verses | 4 |
Place of Revelation | Makkah |
Chapter Number | 106 |
Makkah housed the Kaaba, and the Quraish looked after it and extended hospitality to the pilgrims from Arabia that came to visit it and worship.
The virtues of Quraish
In a hadith of the Prophet of Allah (SAW), he (SAW) mentions that the Quraish were favored with seven qualities. No one was given these qualities before them or will get them after. These are that the Prophet (SAW) is from them; the Prophethood was given to someone from among them; they were the custodians of the Kaaba and looked after it; the water of Zamzam is in their responsibility and care; Allah gave them victory against the people of the Elephant (Abraha and his army); the first people to accept Islam at the hands of the Prophet (SAW) were the Quraish and among them were people who worshipped Allah alone for 10 years before Hijrah; Allah revealed a surah in the Quran in their name and no other tribe has had this.
What favors were bestowed on the tribe of Quraish?
Being custodians of the kaaba despite being disbelievers, the Quraish were given blessings due to their reverence of it. This included:
- Allah united them to become a big and powerful tribe.
- They could travel north and south continuously and in security. Having camels loaded with goods to Syria in summer and down to Yemen in winter in safety, they were not robbed or harmed.
- They were given the honor of looking after the kaaba.
- The tribe was provided with food after hunger.
- They had safety from fear.
- They were respected by all other tribes.
- Many outsiders would come as pilgrims and traders to Makkah.
- They were treated hospitably by other tribes when on journeys north or south
Surah Alaq – Benefits, Translation & Transliteration
Importance of Surah Quraish
Many important things come out of this surah including:
- We should use those blessings given to us to please Allah.
- It is obligatory for us to thank Allah for His blessings by worshipping Him. It is not enough to thank Him with words only.
- We cannot use the favours given to us to displease Him.
- We cannot disobey Him with the favors He has given us.
Lessons from Surah Quraish
Of the many lessons to be learned from this surah is to never take Allah’s blessings for granted, the One who provides food and safety. Don’t forget that He gave them to you, so we should thank Him for providing them. The way to thank Allah is by worshipping Him alone and obeying Him in all matters.
If you are given provision against hunger and safety from fear, it is Allah’s right that He be worshipped and each individual who has these two blessings, in particular, should take the time to study the religion and use the time wisely for worship.
Surah Ad-Duha – Translation and 11 Benefits
Benefits of reading Surah Quraish
The following are general benefits or short surahs, which surah Quraish is:
- Easy to memorize
- Can be read if praying a salah and short of time
- Very good for practicing tajweed rules in a short surah
According to Islamqa.org:
We are not aware of any such benefit for reciting Surah Quraish found in the Ahadith. However, our elders have found it beneficial and effective to recite Surah Quraish for the purpose of gaining wealth. It is better, however, that you supplicate your needs to Allah Ta’ala.’

From the beginning of the surah, the Quran speaks about the tribe of Quraish, and how Allah had given them blessings. Allah protected them and their beloved Kaaba from Abraha and his army, so Allah was alone in deserving of worship. But the tribe set up idols within the holy Kaaba in order to worship them.
When the Prophet (SAW) preached the message of Islam and to worship Allah alone, the Quraish tribe became enemies of his. So, this surah is like a reminder and a warning to the tribe, telling them to worship Allah only. Because He can humiliate and destroy them as He did with Abraha not long before.